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French translation for "uma aaltonen"

uma aaltonen
Example Sentences:
1.Mrs uma aaltonen suffers from multiple sclerosis herself.
mme aaltonen souffre elle-même de sclérose en plaques.
2.I would like to remind you that mrs uma aaltonen was once one of our colleagues.
je voudrais vous rappeler que mme aaltonen a un jour été une de nos collègues.
3.A few weeks ago , on 29 may of this year , a conference was organised in brussels by the european ms platform. this conference was held under the auspices of the president of the european parliament , mr hans-gert pöttering , for which we thank him , and was organised by mrs uma aaltonen.
il y a quelques semaines , le 29 mai , la plate-forme européenne sur la sclérose en plaques a organisé à bruxelles une conférence sous la houlette du président du parlement européen , m. hans-gert pöttering , que nous remercions , et à l'initiative de mme uma aaltonen.
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